Fire Sprinkler System Inspections

Fire Safety Inspections For New England Sprinkler Systems

Safety is an important concern for any business or organization and for the best protection against injuries and property damage during a fire, it is important to have your fire sprinkler system inspected at least once a year. The National Fire Protection Association recommends a more frequent schedule, with four inspections annually.

At Fire Protection Team, we can make sure you receive the quality services you need to keep your building safe during an emergency, from fire sprinkler inspections, testing and maintenance to fire alarm services, fire extinguisher services and more. Since 1992, we have been providing fire safety services throughout New England and we service businesses of all types and sizes.

Fire Sprinkler Inspections in NH, CT, MA, NH, VT, RI & NY

Fire sprinkler inspections are required annually, but you should also consider having one done after any major changes to your building or its plumbing system, such as installing a backflow preventer, replacing a water meter, installing new plumbing lines or increasing the size or occupancy of the structure. At FPT, our fire sprinkler system inspections are comprehensive and include multiple steps, such as:

  • Inspecting the entire system for proper installation, set-up, physical support, clearance and operation.
  • Performing main drain tests to verify suitable water pressure and volume is available for the sprinkler system.
  • Confirming sprinkler heads and piping are accessible and free of damage or leaks.
  • Lubricating valves and testing their range of motion.
  • Testing flow switches through a test connection.
  • Testing tamper switches and ensuring they signal the alarm system properly.
  • Checking fire department connections, required valve signage and gauge accuracy.
  • Ensuring the valves are sealed, leak-free and in the proper position.
  • Testing the alarm system, sensors, valves and other devices for proper signaling and notification.
  • And more.

Our experts at FPT will document the inspection process and provide you with a full report on the condition of your sprinkler system, which you can access through our convenient Customer Portal. We also offer fire sprinkler maintenance and repairs to handle any problems we encounter, as well as new fire sprinkler installations.

Protecting Your Fire Sprinkler System

Beyond scheduling regular inspections and maintenance of your fire sprinkler system, it is important to take precautions to protect your system and keep it in optimal condition. This includes:

  • Not painting or coating your fire sprinkler heads.
  • Not hanging anything from the fire sprinkler heads or piping.
  • Avoiding strikes or impacts to the sprinkler heads.
  • Leaving an 18 to 20 inch area around each sprinkler head clear for proper water flow.
  • Ensuring control valves are accessible and set properly.
  • Repairing any damage as soon as it is discovered.
  • Educating your staff about proper fire sprinkler operation and precautions.

Schedule Fire Sprinkler Inspections

Keep your personnel safe and your building protected with our comprehensive fire sprinkler inspection services from Fire Protection Team. With decades of fire protection experience, we will make sure your sprinkler system is ready when you need it.

Contact us online today or call 203.250.1115 to schedule fire sprinkler system inspections, maintenance or repairs in New Hampshire, Connecticut and throughout New England.

How often should fire sprinkler systems be tested?

Building owners should have professional fire protection experts evaluate all sprinkler systems at least four times each year. This is to verify that the system will deploy in the event of a fire emergency, according to the NFPA. Monthly and weekly inspections can be performed by qualified individuals hired by the owner or occupant.

Are fire sprinkler systems required to be monitored?

In some cases, yes, but automatic sprinkler systems safeguarding one- and two-family residences do not require monitoring.

Monitoring is also not necessary for restricted area systems designated as Light Hazard or Ordinary Hazard. If the automated sprinkler system is modest and has six or fewer sprinkler heads, monitoring is also not required.

How often should fire sprinkler heads be replaced?

Normally you should replace sprinkler heads every five years. Sprinkler heads should be examined on a yearly basis. Annual inspections assist verify that the system is in good functioning order and that no rust or water backup has developed. Sprinkler heads do not live forever, even with regular maintenance. To avoid fire sprinkler leaks, fire safety practice suggests replacing sprinkler heads every five years.

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