Fire Sprinkler Systems in New Hampshire & Connecticut

Commercial Sprinkler System Services Throughout New England

Fire sprinklers save lives, minimize costly damage, and are required in all commercial buildings. If you need a new system installed or your existing equipment upgraded, inspected, maintained or repaired, turn to Fire Protection Team. Our professionally trained and certified technicians ensure the optimum reliability, code compliance and performance of your fire sprinklers.

Call FPT Today! 203.250.1115

Fire Sprinkler System Inspections

Annual fire sprinkler inspections give you peace of mind, knowing that your system is ready to protect your building at the first whiff of smoke. Inspections from FPT are efficient and compliant with state and local fire codes. As we inspect your system, we make sure all the following statements are true:

  • The system is appropriate for the building’s conditions.
  • The system is operating in compliance with NFPA standards.
  • No site conditions are present that could compromise the performance of the sprinklers.
  • Fire department connection couplings, caps, threads, clappers, valves and drains are working properly.
  • All other sprinkler system devices are working properly.
  • The sprinkler system has been modified to address any changes to the facility.

After each inspection, FPT presents you with a detailed written report of our findings, complete with recommendations to repair or improve your system. You can access your report anytime on our convenient Customer Portal.

Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems: Installations & Upgrades

Fire codes require sprinkler systems in many buildings, but it’s wise to install them even if they’re optional. After all, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has found that many commercial buildings experience 60% less fire damage when a working sprinkler system is present. This makes your building safer and helps you recover from a fire much faster.

When you need sprinklers installed or upgraded, Fire Protection Team has qualified professionals to do the job correctly. We can assess your building and help you determine which type of system will work best for your needs. We install and upgrade:

  • Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems
  • Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems
  • Deluge Sprinkler Systems
  • Pre-Action Sprinkler Systems
  • Fire Pumps
  • Standpipes
  • Fire Hydrants

Fire Sprinkler System Maintenance & Repairs

Your sprinkler system stands on constant guard duty. To ensure it functions when you need it most, be sure to follow up on any recommendations to repair or improve your system after an inspection from FPT.

Then, in addition to annual inspections, you must perform flow tests and other maintenance tasks each quarter in accordance with NFPA 25. Our expert team can handle all the maintenance and repair needs of your sprinkler system.

Fire Sprinkler Services

If you’re looking for a reliable company to install, upgrade, inspect, maintain or repair the fire sprinkler system in your Connecticut or New Hampshire building, call Fire Protection Team. Whatever fire protection your commercial property needs, we will ensure that your system is fully compliant with codes and ready to do its job in the event of an emergency.

To schedule fire sprinkler services in Connecticut, New Hampshire or New England, request a quote online!

How often should a commercial sprinkler system be inspected and tested?

Typically, a standard commercial sprinkler system needs to be completely inspected and tested every year. However, much depends on the specific components of the system. There are a number of different parts to a fire sprinkler system that require quarterly inspections and testing schedules. It is extremely important to keep up with state and local inspection and testing requirements that exist for each component. 

With the assistance of Fire Protection Team, your building’s sprinkler system will always be tested and inspected on time according to your sprinkler’s needs. Connect with us today to get on our schedule!

How much does it cost to install a sprinkler system in a commercial building?

Much goes into how much a sprinkler system costs for a commercial building. The type of building, what components will be included and what type of piping system you choose will all impact the final price of the system. Typically in the New England area, the price range to install a sprinkler system in a commercial building is as follows:

$1 - $2 per square foot - New Commercial Property

$2 - $7 per square foot - Older Sprinkler System Retrofits

$10 per square foot - Historic Building Retrofits

Interested in learning more about sprinkler system installations? We are happy to help. Connect today with one of our team members for more information on pricing in your area.

What is the life expectancy of a fire sprinkler system?

Typically you can expect the commercial fire sprinkler system in your building to last between 15 - 25 years. With proper maintenance and quality products, components of your sprinkler system could last as long as 40 years. Connect with the experts at Fire Protection Team today for more information on fire sprinkler systems.

Will smoke trigger a fire extinguisher?

No. Smoke or dust won't trigger the system — only heat from a fire can. Fire sprinkler systems have a bulb that holds back the shut-off valve for the water pipes. When the air reaches a high enough temperature, the liquid in these bulbs expands and shatters the bulb, releasing the water and triggering the sprinkler system.

Will fire sprinklers cause water damage?

Yes, fire sprinklers will cause damage to electronics and other valuables that are not water resistant. However, the damage is less severe as opposed to what the fire will do to your belongings or even worse, the entire building.

How many fire sprinklers does a building need?

As many as is required to douse every foot of the floor with a steady spray of water in case a fire breaks out. Be sure to speak with the proper authorities as fire protection for buildings is on a case-by-case basis.

Should I turn off the sprinkler system once the fire is subdued?

Shutting off the water isn’t a wise idea. Let the sprinklers run until the fire department turns them off. Turning them off too soon might let the fire reignite.

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