Commercial Fire Extinguisher Services

Portable Fire Extinguishers in CT, NH & New England

Portable fire extinguishers are a core part of your safety strategy, so their placement in a commercial space is mandated by OSHA. Regulations require you to mount your equipment in a “readily accessible” place, but this is not one of those times when just any product will do. Portable extinguishers should have:

  • Robust Casing
  • An Easy-To-Service Design
  • A Reasonable Warranty
  • Non-Toxic Fumes
  • An Affordable Price

Portable extinguishers are one of the most effective and pocket-friendly ways to prevent fire-related property damage. Every fire starts small, so extinguishers are an excellent first-line defense. Fire Protection Team’s inventory covers extinguishers for a range of different scenarios. Our partnership with the USA’s best commercial manufacturers lets us bring you the finest products in the industry.

Call FPT Today! 203.250.1115

Portable Fire Extinguisher Inspections

Portable extinguishers age, even if they’ve never been used. If they’re to function well at the time of a fire, they must be inspected regularly. Some states, like New Hampshire, require external inspections every year and internal inspections every six years. We also conduct maintenance compliant with NFPA 10 and OSHA standards.

Fire Extinguisher Testing

Testing is a core part of the inspection process. We’ll conduct hydrostatic testing of your cylinders to make sure you don’t have any leaks or need repairs, then replace those that do. We’ll also test the pressure gauge, nozzle, tamper seal and date.

Fire Extinguisher Installation

The NFPA 10 is one of the most important standards for portable extinguishers. It covers their installation, product quality, and placement. It also created a standard for extinguisher-to-device monitoring recently. Fire Protection Team complies with all NFPA 10 standards by:

  • Installing extinguishers in accessible, visible places.
  • Placing them along normal travel paths and exits.
  • Choosing extinguishers that are appropriate for the hazards in each area.

Portable fire extinguishers are only as effective as they are appropriate for your environment; therefore, Fire Protection Team will meet your unique fire risks head on. Our Total Fire Protection Agreement outlines our role in your fire safety strategy. We’ll identify the best portable extinguishers for your environment and develop a placement strategy that works. Our fire extinguisher installation services cover every aspect of your portable fire fighting equipment.

Extinguisher FAQs

How do fire extinguishers work?

Fires can’t burn without oxygen and heat, so most extinguishers work by removing that access. Every chemical has its own application. Water-based extinguishers remove the heat fires need to survive, while powder-based products use nitrogen to absorb heat and smother fuel. CO2 extinguishers work by absorbing latent heat.

What fire extinguisher do I need?

Portable extinguishers are categorized according to the kind of fire they’re designed to manage.

Class A: Everyday combustibles like paper, plastics, wood and fabric.

Class B: Flammable and combustible fluids, petroleum oils, alcohol and flammable gasses.

Class C: Electrical equipment.

Class D: Flammable magnesium, lithium and other metals.

Class K: Flammable fats and cooking oils.

Can fire extinguishers be reused?

Most fire extinguishers can handle one refill after use, provided they’re filled immediately.

Can fire extinguishers expire?

No extinguisher lasts forever. Some have a lifespan of 15 years, while others survive for only three years.

How many fire extinguishers is enough?

There’s no fixed answer to this. The number depends on building size and design. The rule of thumb is that there shouldn’t be more than 50 feet between Class B extinguishers or 75 feet between Class A extinguishers. A multi-level building must have at least one extinguisher on each level too.

What are the different types of fire extinguishers and what are they for?

There are 5 classes of fire extinguishers each identified by a letter. A – Regular combustible material fires (paper, plastic, wood, fabric); B – Flammable liquid fires (gas, petroleum and so forth); C - Electric fires; D – Metal fires; K – Cooking oil and fat fires.

Can I test my fire extinguisher's performance?

No. This isn’t advisable. Only let our designated technicians inspect and perhaps replace your equipment. Discharging a fire extinguisher could cause a drop in the content’s pressure hence making it useless or less effective. If your extinguisher has a pressure gauge, always ensure that the pointer is in the green section.

How big of a fire can one fire extinguisher handle?

The size of a fire a specific fire extinguisher can handle depends on the technique used and the extinguisher’s size. Most extinguishers will have a rating before the letter discussed above. Class A extinguishers are rated in comparison to what a gallon of water can do. 2A means it’s as effective as two gallons of water. The other classes estimate fire size by feet. 10C means it can tackle a 10-square-foot fire.

FPT For Your Company’s Extinguisher Services

Ready to set up a consultation for your business? Contact Fire Protection Team today online or by phone at 203.250.1115

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